Art & Christ: Gothic Art in Germany & the Holy Roman Empire

Gothic Art in Germany


Gothic Art arrived later to Germany than it did in other countries. The romanesque style was too deeply rooted for the new Gothic style to be accepted. But eventually cathedrals opened up with grand windows, the introduction of flying buttresses and other architectural advances kept the structures tall but steady, and the reached for the heavens with their towering spires.

Strasbourg Cathedral

The First Major Cathedral in Germany. It was initially started as a romanesque structure, but was stylistically changed to follow the French example of building a nave in 1250 AD. The design for the western facade was designed and implemented in 1276 by Master Gerhard.

Strasbourg Cathedral from the front

Close up of sculptural decorations on the Strasbourg Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral

The Cologne Cathedral at night

Inside the Cologne Cathedral

The Brick Structure

With a lack of proper materials, northern Germans instead built this cathedral out of bricks.


5 thoughts on “Art & Christ: Gothic Art in Germany & the Holy Roman Empire

  1. ehutsell12

    Great topic and great use of imagery to emphasis and explain your points. Good cathedral to focus on, Strasbourg, and thank you for mentioning the reluctance of the Germans to go to the Gothic style in your presentation.


  2. Annelise Koeth

    Hi Erin, I’m especially interested in the cathedral you shared about where the style transitioned from one to another. It’s pretty amazing, even though art historians try to categorize styles and eras, there is always transition, a blurriness where ideas are transferred and change a present approach. Thanks for sharing! -Annelise


  3. Tim Timmerman

    Your images are nice but we need a considerable more amount of info and reflection in this blog post. Find us some really interesting info about how these were built, stories about the people who built them, what makes German Gothic interesting and different. Find some info that is interesting to you and really expand on it for us.


  4. ecaudillo11

    GREAT PICTURES!! I’m so impressed by the images of these cathedrals! The gothic style in architecture is one of my favorites. It’s really amazing to think that these immense and intricate buildings where all designed and detailed by people just like us! Thanks for sharing, Erin!


  5. kpuhre

    Love Gothic art! I wish you could have gone more in-depth on your post. But, college. The struggle is real. I really love the images and what you were able to tell us in class. Great job.



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