Category Archives: Personal

The First Blog – What to blog about?

Well, I’ve never had a blog before. I assume I can basically talk about whatever I want, right? The main reason I’m setting this up is because I have to blog for a class. I should be posting later about the Catacombs as apart of an assignment I’m presenting on tomorrow. YAY SCHOOL. But I have been interested in blogging in the past, as a way of getting my feelings and thoughts and shit out.

Oh, for the most part, this blog (when not related to my Art & Christ class assignments) will include swearing. I swear every so often, and I don’t see why that should change when I’m trying to portray my real voice in visual words.

I’m also rather disjointed, so my personal posts will be as well. My thoughts are not clean and simple, and I doubt my posts will be either. If that makes it hard to follow, well then that’s that.

I always related blogging to intellectuals and deep thinkers. While I have the potential for deeper thoughts and analysis, it is not something that I can easily verbalize. Words in general are hard for me recall. Ask anyone who has seen me struggle with trying to find the right word to describe a situation. My brain just doesn’t work that way. I’m a visual person. I suppose that I could try including a lot of artwork to help explain my thoughts. It certainly could make me feel… better? I don’t know. It may be too much work.

Huh. It’s kind of easy to just let this flow on.

Crap. Now I can’t think of anything more to say. Guess I got to actually work on my assignment now. BUT THIS IS FUN.

Kind of.

I probably will post about my ideas for my Senior Studio Show. But that will be a later topic.

Until next time,
