My Faith & My Art

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:14-16

One of my favorite christmas traditions happens during the Christmas Eve service at church. My family and I have always done it, and it is something that has always brought me joy. As we walked into the church I attended growing up, Southlake Foursquare Church in West Linn, for the Christmas Eve service, volunteers would hand us each a simple white candle with a paper circle. It’s unassuming, small, and – if you are unfamiliar with the tradition – a bit insignificant. But to me it was always exciting to hold onto that candle. We (usually) sit down towards the back, a family of 5 among over 600, but at the front of the room on the edge of the stage is a pedestal with the advent candles. Tonight we light the “Christ Candle” – the big white candle in the center. It is the light of Christ who has been born. It sits there, alight for all to see throughout the service. Then after the main sermon is done, our pastor invites his family up. They all light their candles from the Christ candle, the adults helping the young children (who at the time were under the age of 8). From there, they spread out to the front row and light another candle of the audience’s. Then those whose candle is lit turn to their neighbor and light their candle with their own flame. This is happening all over the room – and soon the dark room is alight with candles.

Maybe you are familiar with this tradition, maybe not. But I love it! The candle lighting represents Christ lighting the flame of the Holy Spirit within us, and this act shows us all how fast we can be vessels to spread that fire. Not only that, but when the lights are out we see just how powerful all of our little, insignificant flames are – we LIGHT the room. It is a sight to see!

This is what my “Act of Faith” art piece, my final piece for my Art & Christ class, is about. The idea of being a light to the world – being GOD’s light to the world – just gives me hope as a person and artist in this world. I also felt that this content was appropriate for this holiday season 🙂

Another faith-related part of this artwork follows the well-known concept that we, as human beings, are made in God’s image. I love that, but you have to wonder, how many people truly believe it? We all look differently – is God’s “appearance” ever changing then? Does it only conceptually apply? I doubt that God changes his “appearance”, but instead that we are each a glimpse – a sliver, really – of Him. So by creating a self-portrait (or portraits in general), I find myself spending time with Him. This is a way that I am able to study Him and His creation, and hopefully through the gifts He has given me I am able to glorify Him.

Below I have included a timelapse recording of my illustration, so you can see how I created it from start to finish. I suggest watching at 1/2 speed, but it is simply my recommendation.

Thank you for a wonderful semester, and an amazing 4 1/2 years at Fox. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! May God bless you all!

1 thought on “My Faith & My Art

  1. abiggerworldyet

    What a wonderful piece Erin. I really like how this ties right into what you did for your senior show. Although slightly different you have yet another example of the wonderful work you do. The time lapse image of you creating the work is really fun to watch (including your music videos). Your comments and your reasoning for doing the piece is clear. This is a lovely work of art, and I think does very clearly demonstrate how your hope is to bring light in the world. It was great having you in class this semester!

    Liked by 1 person


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